Halloween Home Decor

Halloween Home Decor

It's October... it's time where pumpkins, bats and friendly ghosts become part of our home decor. Most importantly, it's another season where we can get together with family to create, express. celebrate and make memories. 

Gather your loved ones to make some easy & effective Halloween decor for your home. 

All you need is plain black paper (or card stock) and scissors to cut out bats/witches' hats. 

Use Blu-Tack to stick a cluster of bats on to a wall (maybe by the entrance) facing various directions to get a natural look. Remember to remove the Blu-Tack within a few days, so that they won't harden and stick to the wall. 

Image as seen on hercampus.com

Punch holes in the witches hats and use string to hang them overlapping each other to create a spooky and messy look. To have the hat cut outs facing forward, punch two horizotal holes towards the top of each hat and pass the string through both.

Image as seen on tuvaluhome.wordpress.com

This cute ghost "comes to life" with cheese cloth on a bent wire stand. You can also use a white baloon with eyes and mouth drawn on it with a net draped over to create this ghost's cousin.

Image as seen on lushome.com

Pumpkins, and more pumpkins... You can do absolutely anything with them. The traditional eyes and mouth carved out with a candle lit inside... or just painted... Or if that's too messy, just wrap them in cloth. 

Image as seen on tuvaluhome.wordpress.com

Image as seen on tuvaluhome.wordpress.com

Image as seen on tuvaluhome.wordpress.com

I hope you would carve out some time in your calendar to get together with family and friends to create some beautiful Halloween decor for your home. Then go on to celebrate and make some lovely memories and photos for the albums. These would be the moments to be cherished forever. Happy Halloween! 

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